Buy CardanoChrome

What is CardanoChrome?

CardanoChrome is a 3D Interactive NFT Art project on the Cardano blockchain. Once the model loads above you can interact with it. Click or touch and hold to rotate and use your mousewheel or pinch to zoom in and out. Every CardanoChrome is Augmented Reality ready, so you can place it wherever you like! Each CardanoChrome will be numbered and feature an original piece of art. I have engraved the bottom of each CardanoChrome with the policy id it was minted under to provide you with a way to verify the authenticity of your NFT. You can find additional info there as well, such as the series number, how many were minted and artist and art info. I also do collaborations with other artists in the NFT space and yes, there is a chart for that too. 


I started photography as a hobby in college in the late 1990's. Digital cameras were still a fledgling industry and "serious" photographers shot film including slide film. Shooting film taught me to take time and compose my shot, make every frame count. After all, film was expensive. Eventually Digital SLR's matured enough to be a passable replacement for film. CardanoChrome is a nod to the past, but also an embracing of the future. Each piece of art is framed in a 35mm slide mount. The art is transparent, like a real photographic positive. Each CardanoChrome will have a limited First Edition run. The chart below will give you all the specifics.

CardanoChrome Rarity and Policy ID Verification Chart

Buy Series Rarity Title & 3D View Artist #
Policy ID
BUY 00001 First Edition Cabo Michael Walker 20 8d1c205548efc40087484d3a4d684acd4009c194d2d0379b99fbe18d
BUY 00001 Essential CABO Michael Walker 100 8d1c205548efc40087484d3a4d684acd4009c194d2d0379b99fbe18d
BUY 00002 First Edition Screw Michael Walker 20 8d1c205548efc40087484d3a4d684acd4009c194d2d0379b99fbe18d
BUY 00003 First Edition Blue Michael Walker 20 8d1c205548efc40087484d3a4d684acd4009c194d2d0379b99fbe18d
BUY 00004 First Edition ADHD Michael Walker 20 8d1c205548efc40087484d3a4d684acd4009c194d2d0379b99fbe18d
BUY 00005 First Edition Regret Michael Walker 20 8d1c205548efc40087484d3a4d684acd4009c194d2d0379b99fbe18d
BUY 00006 First Edition Power Michael Walker 20 8d1c205548efc40087484d3a4d684acd4009c194d2d0379b99fbe18d

CardanoChrome Collaborations Rarity and Policy ID Verification Chart

Buy Series Rarity Title & 3D View Artist #
Policy ID
BUY 00001 First Edition Manigua Alpha 3D Unnimaginum & Michael Walker 10 # 01 - 06: 2347f9083db1453040885067e984af453974548208aded6ef46eaa3b
#07 - #10:  bd39546f7b7607f0dced576f60f73ae528fc3081d9fa57c8b71aee14
BUY 00002 First Edition Cardanonaut Moon Cryptoshock & Michael Walker 20 # 01 - 10: 
#11 - 20:

CryptoSabres Rarity and Policy ID Verification Chart

Buy # in Series Title & 3D View Artist #
Policy ID
BUY 01 Cardano Michael Walker 1 25decdba981e2d6290828b6eaa78bd4e3f7f9a1772a6551b3bcecc95
Coming Soon 02 BITCOIN Michael Walker 1

FT Burn Chart

When I first started CardanoChrome I was not aware that I was minting them as FTs (Fungible Tokens) instead of NFTs. This was brought to my attention and I immediatly burned the remaining FTs I had in my ​possession. There are still a few out there that I had given away, and one that I had sold. The chart below tracks the minted vs burned FTs to provide a way for those still in ​possession of one to verify authenticity. The link below will take you to the burn transaction on the blockchain. If you have one of the unburned examples from the chart below, it is an authentic CardanoChrome FT.

Burn Transaction Link

Additional Burn

Series Rarity Title Artist #
# Burned Policy ID + AssetName
00001 First Edition Cabo Michael Walker 100 97 54e986a5e7f4345952096e4c23a8cebc98ebdf2279430660b4750ccb.Cabo
00001 Essential Cabo Michael Walker 2500 2488 54e986a5e7f4345952096e4c23a8cebc98ebdf2279430660b4750ccb.CaboEssential
00002 First Edition Screw Michael Walker 100 97 54e986a5e7f4345952096e4c23a8cebc98ebdf2279430660b4750ccb.Screw
00002 Essential Screw Michael Walker 2500 2499 54e986a5e7f4345952096e4c23a8cebc98ebdf2279430660b4750ccb.ScrewEssential
00003 First Edition Blue Michael Walker 100 100 54e986a5e7f4345952096e4c23a8cebc98ebdf2279430660b4750ccb.BlueFirstEdition